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Lime 5 by Mark Crutcher
This is Mark Crutcher's compelling 320-page expose' of the American abortion industry. A unique and uncensored look at our nation's most wrenching social issue, it has already become a must read for anyone seeking to learn the truth about the abortion issue. It fully documents that women are being sexually assaulted, mutilated, and killed inside perfectly legal abortion clinics. It also shows how pro-choice groups have used raw political power to fight off regulation of the abortion clinic business.
Siege Pro-Life Field Manual by Mark Crutcher
Right now, the pro-life movement is entering a new phase as we continue to fight for the pre-born. Meanwhile, crucial things are happening in this conflict every day that go completely unnoticed. Victory is achievable – but only if the movement is prepared to adjust its strategies and tactics to fit this new environment. With bold proposals and shocking information that has never been made public before, Siege prepares pro-lifers for the battle ahead and reveals the answers to crucial issues such as: What is Planned Parenthood’s real agenda? What is the hidden goal of Obamacare? What are the biggest threats the pro-life movement faces? What is the abortion lobby’s vulnerabilities? What is the BGS? In the end, whether readers agree with everything contained in SIEGE or not, their perception of the conflict will never be the same again.
Patriotic Unborn Baby Pin
Want to show people where you stand when it comes to the abortion issue? Want to stand up for the thousands of innocent babies who are butchered on a daily basis? By wearing this pin, you are saying to America: ‘I stand for the life of the pre-born child.’ This pin is also perfect for attaching to accessories as well. Order your pin today! For bulk orders of 50 pins or more, call our Priests for Life number 321-500-1000
Pro-Life Answers booklet by Mark Crutcher
Now you can always have the perfect response to the most common, and difficult, abortion issues. ‘Pro-Life Answers’ is easy to read and compact, so that anyone can have the answers right at their fingertips, wherever they go. Also, this booklet is the perfect tool for distributing at rallies, marches, banquets, conferences, or any other place where pro-lifers gather. And since it can be mailed in a standard envelope, it makes a great premium to help groups raise funds.
The Pact- A Letter to the Pro-Life Movement (Tract) by Mark Crutcher
The Pact shows the amazing – but overlooked – things that you and the pro-life movement have achieved. It only takes a few minutes to read and you will come away with a fresh perspective on this struggle and your role in it. Due popular demand we have created a digital version that is perfect for reading on your favorite devices or even for printing off and distributing. We provide this PDF for free, however, donations are appreciated. To order a printed copy of The Pact, click here.
From $2.25
Pro-Life Small Lives Matter Sticker 2 for $1.00
Show your support for the unborn with this quality 4×4 inch pro-life sticker! (Not recommended for vehicles.) Plus, buying this product helps support our work and continue our fight for the unborn!
Bigfoot vs. Mainstream Media (green) Sticker
Do you trust the mainstream media? Buy this funny 4-inch sticker to show people how untrustworthy the media really is. (Not recommended for vehicles.) Plus, buying this product helps support our work and continue our fight for the unborn!
Patient Rights Sheets (1-pad = 25 sheets)
Pro-Choice/ Privacy/ Reproductive Freedom/ Choice Pamphlet
The word choice, is the word that the pro-abortion side has used for years to make abortion seem like a viable option when it comes to pregnancy. This simple pro-life flyer goes beyond the feel good explanation that the abortion rights ‘pro-choice’ side has used, and it presents the truth. The cold-hard fact, is that ‘choice’ is really the killing of millions of defenseless human beings. If you want to open people’s eyes to what abortion really is, then this flyer is perfect for you!
Jesus Loves the Little Children brochure
This unique pro-life pamphlet is designed to reach those who consider themselves to be followers of Jesus. The message of this product is that silence is not slaughtering of thousands of innocent babies. The question is: how many people love their neighbors enough to share the truth with them about abortion? If you’re a person who does, then this pamphlet is perfect for you! Share it with your fellow brothers and sisters in Christ, and your minister, priest, or pastor. Speak up for the innocent children!
Safe & Legal
As the abortion lobby continues to tout that legalized abortion keeps women safe, those of us in the pro-life movement know that women are often injured or killed during their “safe and legal” abortions. No matter how much we argued how dangerous abortion was, the public had no idea what it actually looks like when a young woman goes in for a “safe & legal” abortion and ends up on an autopsy table. This is exactly what has allowed the pro-choice lobby to keep one of its dirtiest little secrets completely hidden. That is until the courage of just one grieving mom… This brochure tells the story of one a young woman named Marla Cardamone, who went in to have a ‘safe’ and legal abortion, but she didn’t come out alive. Warning: This brochure contains graphic images.
Pro-Life Intelligence Operations Training DVD Set
The information we need to destroy the abortion industry is inside the abortion industry! On this three disc set, Life Dynamics President, Mark Crutcher, will show you how to get that information. For the first time, those who are serious about carrying out pro-life intelligence operations have an opportunity to be trained by the people who paved the way for it and built their reputation on it. So if you want to be a professional intel operative, order today.
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Patient Rights Sheets $9.00 (1-pad = 25 sheets)
Pack of 50 brochures for $12.50
Pack of 100 brochures for $25.00
#47- American Holocaust Action Pack of 100 for $10.00
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