In The Palm of His Hand

This popular little prayer book has been revised and expanded to include additional prayers from Fr. Frank Pavone to enrich your private and public prayer to bring about a culture of life. This little treasury of prayer now includes your favorite novenas, found at, post-abortion healing prayers and more. 58 pages - Item # 125 -

At Eucharistic Adoration, I use "In the Palm of His Hand," and am so grateful to have this volume. -- Ada F.

Thank you for your longstanding witness to life and especially for your Booklet: "In the Palm of His Hand." While praying with this booklet many times during exposition of the Blessed Sacrament in our parish, Holy Spirit moved me to a much deeper awareness of life within me. – Carol, Gignac, CT.

On Saturday mornings, a group of college and theology seminarians pray the rosary at a local abortion clinic. We read the rosary pro-life meditations within the booklet for before each of the decades. It is my intention to get a copy of the booklets you sent to each of our college and theology students here this year. In this way, I hope we can encourage greater participation through prayer and action in defense of God’s gift of life. Hopefully, the men will carry this concern with them as they continue on their vocations, either as a priest or in service amongst the church laity. -- Jim, Seminarian


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